What you should be seeing here is a new pattern, what you are getting instead is a whole heap of idioms! What I mean is that this week I put all my eggs in one basket and counted my chickens before they were hatched! This dear crochet friends is what my dining table currently looks like.

This is the conversation I had with Nick.
Rach:I've been working on a pattern for the last couple of weeks and at the last moment it's all gone a bit Pete Tong [Pear shaped] and I don't have anything to Blog about now.
Nick: So that's OK, why don't you blog about that, people learn more from their mistakes than they do from their successes.
That really got me thinking. You know how we live in a blame and shame culture, so that when you make a mistake the last thing you feel you should do is own up to your mistakes. But I'm going to stand on my soap box and right here and now and say,
"This is a learning opportunity!"

So what went wrong? I followed the design principles that I'd been taught. I researched my subject and experimented with my materials.

I chose my yarn and made a gauge swatch.

I made careful measurements and tested my ideas.
I recorded all the details and wrote a detailed pattern, drew a beautiful schematic and a stitch diagram and started to put it all together using my Pattern Template...Uhoh!

Somewhere along the way my rigid plan changed from looking like the scribbled sketches I'd made and evolved into something more organic. The stretchy fabric I was using because it was stretchy, stretched!
So what have I learnt from it all? Well not to count my chickens too soon and to be prepared for my ideas to evolve. To generally enjoy the ride and not give myself unnecessary time constraints.
And perhaps to have a few back up Blog posts just in case!!
Hopefully the next time you drop by there will be a new pattern here but no promises.