The first thing that happened was that I got Jennifer Hansen's book 'Learn to Lucet' as a gift and then Nick set about making me a wooden Lucet in the shed. His efforts weren't entirely successful and I got rather frustrated. I was finding it hard to control the tension and my braid was ending up rather lumpy and uneven. Meanwhile I kept getting drawn back to 'The Lucet Co' website and spending hours drooling longingly over the Lucet there that looked quite different from any I had seen before.

Does that mean that you shouldn't buy the Jennifer Hansen book? No not at all. Jennifer will introduce you to several methods Ziggy won't show you and offer some suggestions of what to do with your cord once completed.
Here's her Turk's Head Bracelet.

But the Lucet Co. offers techniques that you won't find anywhere else.

could be so difficult about learning to Lucet? After all there are only
two prongs on it. But it turns out that being proficient is a true
skill that I'm still discovering. Both Jennifer and Ziggy walk you
through the processes allowing you to build your skill level one step at
a time. As with all skills practise makes perfect.

Based on the Ziggy 'Overhand' method, here are my two tips to an even cord. Firstly, having formed a stitch pull it gently to the centre. Don't tighten it beyond what you see in the image above.

Secondly, after casting over the prong, pull tightly. These two things give you greater control over your Lucet and an even regular cord.

Now that you have mastered basic cord you could try adding beads. The instructions for these techniques all came out of Jennifer Hansen's book.
She also shows you how to work in extra threads which she calls 'gimps'.

This technique is very similar to 'frogging' which Ziggy Rytka will teach you.
I've saved the best till last! I also bought Ziggy's Advanced Book. I drove myself mad for a while getting to grips with the bobbin. Eventually I decided to try working with a really thick yarn, that gave me enough control and understanding of what I was doing. I definitely recommend that as a starting point. 
Here is a Cross Parallel cord and a Kiss cord.

There are still loads more skills and techniques to develop! So I hope I've inspired you to give it a go.