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Tuesday 24 October 2017

Crochet Tips: Cluster Stitches Part 3

Crochet stitches tend to be vertical so I'm always on the look out for anything horizontal. This group of stitches all end up going sideways!
So lets start with a Horizontal Popcorn
In this example I've already made one horizontal popcorn. I've begun the next popcorn with a Double crochet,
now chain three, this is where the stitches on the next row will be anchored,
the popcorn is made into the same stitch as the double crochet, in this example it is made up of five Treble stitches,
like a normal popcorn, remove the hook, bring it to the front and place it through the first Double crochet, catching the loop...
pull the loop through the stitch,
skip 3 stitches in the previous row and anchor the top of the popcorn with a double crochet in the next stitch.

With an upright Popcorn Stitch, when you make the next row, you would crochet into the top of the popcorn. Because the popcorn is lying on it's side you make the stitches into the chain 3. In this example I have made a treble into the double crochet, then two double crochet and a half treble into the 3chain loop, by repeating this it creates a flat row for the next row of stitches.
Here it is in short hand... *Tr in dc, (Hrt, Dcx2) in ch3, repeat from*.
Wrapped Stitch

If you've managed to stay with me through the horizontal popcorn these next two examples will be a breeeze! They are basically variations on the same idea.
The stitch begins with two Treble crochet...
Now I'm going to Treble crochet-2-together around these two stitches:
so yarn over and place hook through from front to back...
yarn over and pull up a loop...
yarn over and pull through first two loops on hook...
yarn over, insert hook from front to back as before, yarn over and pull up a loop...
yarn over and pull through first two loops on hook...
yarn over and pull through all three loops on hook.
Skip the next stitch. I've made a treble between each stitch, just because I like the way it looks!
Slanting Cluster
This is also called Bead stitch. It is basically a 3 Half Treble cluster, or puff stitch made around a single treble.
Begin with the Treble crochet...
Yarn over the hook and insert hook from front to back around treble st...
Yarn over and pull up a loop...
Repeat the last two steps twice more...
yarn over and pull through the first six loops...
yarn over and pull through the last two loops to complete the stitch.
Thank you for staying with me to the end! Next week will be my last cluster post unless I find anything else before then!

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